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Kate Can't Stop​

I wrote a book for my own three kids, trying my best to help them understand the power addicion had over me. While in treatment I wrote down the conversations that helped my kids understand  and bring them some peace during this time apart. Addiction effects the whole family and I was going to do my best to help them as I helped myself through the process. 

My stories sat, for years, on a shelf. Call it a gut or God feeling, it became clear to me I needed to get this into the world and to other kids with a loved one suffering from addiction.

Helping my kids understand and openly talking about it help us all with our recovery. 



I never imagined the amount of time, frustration, and feelings that would be invested into this project. It has been a true labor of love. 
I feel this story is important, needed and my hope is it will help someone who is hurting, hurt a little less.

Kate Can't Stop is available on Amazon and at shows I attend. And I will always carry the word for others that Recovery is possible!

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